How to Use a Hardcover Book Printing Service

Hardcover books come with more prestige and have more value than paperback books. It is also not difficult to hire a hardcover book printing service. Then, you can make your book look exactly how you want it to look regardless of whether you are intending to sell your book or if you simply want a hardcover book full of family recipes to share with other members of your family.

Hardcover Books Vs. Paperbacks

What differentiates a hardcover book from a paperback book is the fact that a hardcover book uses the case binding method. A block of pages is glued together and is then contained within a stiff cover. This is different from a paperback book that has a flexible cover that wraps around the pages and is more likely to be bent out of shape over time. 

How Your Hardcover Book Can Be Customized

When you first hire a hardcover book printing service, they will ask you how you would like the paper and the cover of your book to look. You will be allowed to add customizations such as a dust jacket and a 3D foil. If you are concerned about how your books will turn out, you will be able to look at examples of books printed by the service to see if they will deliver what you have in mind.

There are numerous types of covers you might be able to choose from including:

  • Glossy
  • Matte
  • Leather
  • Vegan
  • Pearl linen

There is a certain look you probably have in mind and there is a material that will help you achieve the right look.

How to Deliver Your File to the Hardcover Book Printing Service

It's easy to deliver your files to a printing service. You can simply upload them to their website or you can mail the files if uploading is not an option. Your files will be examined and you will be contacted if the hardcover printing service discovers any problems with your files. 

The Printing of Your Book

When it's time to print your hardcover book, the book will be printed using the latest digital printers. You will get to choose how many copies of your hardcover book you would like to print. You may receive a discount if you request a large volume of hardcopy books. Therefore, these services are ideal if you intend to have a large distribution for your hardcover books.

For more information, reach out to a publisher such as PRC Book Printing.  
